Designing from the Style Sheet pt. 3: Halfling Homesteader

Halfling TenderfootCR 1/3
XP 135
Halfing commoner 1
NG Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +1d4; Senses Perception +1
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 3 (1d6)
Fort +1, Ref +1d4+1, Will +0; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee shillelagh club +1 (1d6/19-20) or crowbar -1 (1d6)
Ranged sling +1d4+1 (1d3; 50ft.)
Combat Abilities Large Target (+1 dmg to target w/sling per size category difference)
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, sling bullets (10)
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Large Target
Skills Acrobatics 1d4+2, Climb +2, Craft (blacksmith) +6, Handle Animal +4, Heal +1 (w/Healer's Kit), Perception +1
Languages Common, Halfling
Gear reinforced tunic, healer's kit, artisan's tools mwk, backpack mwk, Rogue's Kit, 2 copper rings (10 gp each),  2 silver rings (10 gp each), 8 gp, 9 sp

Large Target

The Greenhorn has a knack for hitting his mark at close range compared to his friends. He doesn't want to have his targets get that close, but it's good to know if a wolf or bandit manages to get that close he could likely put the bolt between his eyes.

Benefits: The Tenderfoot gains a +1 on dmg rolls with slings for each size category larger the target is than themselves.

Carrying Capacity
Light: 28.5 lbs., Medium: 57 lbs., Heavy: 86.25 lbs. Current: 27.75 lbs. 

Alright, so for this one I not only wanted to change the ancestry, but also the role. I like the idea of halflings filling out a kind of 3 part place in society alongside humanity and the bhagra, dogfolk I'll post at the end of this initial exercise. So I'm thinking that halfling society is more nomadic than humanity, with lots of a halfling's extended family living in temporary shelters on settled halfling & human lands, and then migrating around to sell work. I see a lot of them having various specialized craft or profession skills that they bring to other towns to shore up missing markets and bring their earnings home to help their original communities. So, they kind of act like a family guild and commune, selling services to an umbrella of communities, then sharing their earnings once they get home. Now, what they earn and how it's distributed probably varies from community to community, but I like to think of them as honeybees almost, they go to towns to do a job, are given gifts as thanks, and then they trade these gifts at home or in other towns. So they're like socioeconomic pollinators. 

As for combat, it took me a minute to figure out how exactly these Blanks would fight. Halflings are meant to be these, semi nomadic economic pollinators who travel from place to place. As such, they have to have more of their gear on their backs since they're more likely to be encountered on the road and need that gear for their work and with their low Str it means my workspace is pretty slim. So I've got a character that needs to carry a lot of stuff but can't carry much. So I went with a Reinforced Tunic for armor and leaned into the small buffs to balance out AC and went with the Shillelagh Club from Pure Steam Campaign setting for their weapon. The club is cool and though it doesn't syngergize with their more Weapon Finesse build, it's an ancestral (nee racial) weapon and I always find those interesting enough that they need use. Otherwise they are just page filler. 

His main weapon though is of course the sling. With the Large Target feat, something I did not know existed before I started this project, the halfling gets a solid damage buff that, for them, is in most instances better than Point-Blank Shot on its own. This lets the Halfling travel confidently with his sling in hand, loading in a stone if trouble arrives or a lucky chance at a stray rabbit arises on the side of the road. Now, if trouble gets too great, this halfling is likely to retreat, slinging stones as he runs toward safety. If he gets into melee, he uses his club to fend off his pursuers, damaging and tripping until they are down or he's away to safety. 

Note: In my home games, Weapon Finesse has been removed and weapons are just finessable or not. This may impact your builds, but shouldn't affect these ones presented. 

Now, onto number 2!

Halfling BachelorCR 1
XP 135
Halfing commoner 3
NG Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +1d4; Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 armor, +2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 10 (3d6)
Fort +2, Ref +1d4+2, Will +1; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee darkwood shillelagh club +3 (1d6/19-20) or crowbar +1 (1d6)
Ranged sling +1d4+2 (1d3; 50ft.)
Riding Dog bite +1d4+1 (1d6+d6 plus trip; 40ft move; 5ft. reach)
Combat Abilities Large Target (+1 dmg to target w/sling per size category difference), Riding Dog (attack, come, defend, down guard, heel)
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, sling bullets (10), whet bone (+1 dmg for 1st dog bite of day), wrist sheath (bullets inside)
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Large Target, Prodigy
Skills Acrobatics 1d4+2, Climb +2, Craft (blacksmith) +8, Disable Device +d4+4, Handle Animal +4, Heal +1 (w/Healer's Kit), Perception +5, Profession (farmer) +1
Languages Common, Halfling
Gear reinforced tunic, backpack mwk, healer's kit, Rogue's Kit, Halfling Trail Rations (5 days), 2 copper rings (10 gp each), 1 silver signet ring (15 gp),  1 silver ring (10 gp), 7 gp, 9 sp (21.3 gp)

Large Target

The Greenhorn has a knack for hitting his mark at close range compared to his friends. He doesn't want to have his targets get that close, but it's good to know if a wolf or bandit manages to get that close he could likely put the bolt between his eyes.

Benefits: The Tenderfoot gains a +1 on dmg rolls with slings for each size category larger the target is than themselves.

Halfling Riding Dog

Halflings often travel with dogs as companions on the road and this Bachelor is no different. His companion is a strong Halfling Riding Dog, perfect for carrying his extra supplies and protecting him in case of trouble. The stats for his attacks and tricks are above but extra pertinent stats are below

AC: 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 armor, +2 Dex. +1 natural)
Hp: 13 (1d8+2d4)
Fort: 1d4+3; Ref:1d4+3; Will: +1 +4 Will vs. enchantments or illusions to betray master
Gear: reinforced tunic barding, Dog Pack Saddle, artisan's tools mwk, leather collar, leather leash, dog food (7 days), iron pot, torches (8), Whet Bone, dandy brush, small tent
Carrying Capacity:
Light: 99 lbs., Medium: 199.5 lbs., Heavy: 300 lbs. Current: 81.5 lbs.

Carrying Capacity
Light: 28.5 lbs., Medium: 57 lbs., Heavy: 86.25 lbs. Current: 11.75 lbs. 

A young halfling now of marrying age, this young man now travels both for work and to find a wife. If he succeeds, he will join her house and move in with her community. He travels with his favored companion, his trusty riding dog. The hound carries his work gear and gifts with him from town to town and even travels bedecked in the livery of his master, and if problems arise acts as his defender.

Halfling HomesteaderCR 3
XP 135
Halfing commoner 5
NG Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +1d4; Senses Perception +6
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield, +1 size)
hp 17 (5d6)
Fort +2, Ref +1d4+2, Will +2; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee darkwood shillelagh club +4 (1d6/19-20), mwk sling +1d4+4 (1d4 nonlethal), or crowbar +2 (1d6)
Ranged mwk sling +1d4+4 (1d3; 50ft.)
Riding Dog bite +1d4+1 (1d6+d6 plus trip; 40ft move; 5ft. reach)
Combat Abilities Large Target (+1 dmg to target w/sling per size category difference), Riding Dog (attack, come, defend, down, guard, heel)
Combat Gear anitiplague, potion of cure light wounds x2, potion of remove disease, goodberry juice, sling bullets (10), whet bone (+1 dmg for 1st dog bite of day), wrist sheath (bullets inside)
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Large Target, Prodigy, Whip-Slinger
Skills Acrobatics 1d4+3, Climb +6, Craft (blacksmith) +8, Disable Device +d4+4, Handle Animal +4, Heal +2 (w/Healer's Kit), Perception +6, Profession (farmer) +7, Swim +4
Languages Common, Halfling
Gear mwk lined duster, darkwood buckler, backpack mwk, healer's kit, Rogue's Kit, Halfling Trail Rations (5 days), tigereye bracelet (50 gp), 2 silver earrings (10 gp each), 2 copper rings (10 gp each), 1 silver signet ring (15 gp),  1 silver ring (10 gp), 7 gp, 9 sp (21.3 gp)

Large Target

The Homesteader has a knack for hitting his mark at close range compared to his friends. He doesn't want to have his targets get that close, but it's good to know if a wolf or bandit manages to get that close he could likely put the bolt between his eyes.

Benefits: The Tenderfoot gains a +1 on dmg rolls with slings for each size category larger the target is than themselves.


The Homesteader has learned to use her sling as a dangerous weapon both at range and in melee and it shows. She is dangerous no matter where she is engaged and all she needs is her trusty sling. 
Benefits: When wielding a sling, double sling, or halfling sling staff, you threaten areas around you as normal and can make attacks of opportunity with the sling into these threatened areas. The sling deals 1d4 nonlethal bludgeoning damage (1d6 for a Medium wielder), threatens a critical hit on a 20, and deals ×2 damage on a critical hit. If the sling isn’t loaded with ammunition when you make an attack of opportunity, you take a –4 penalty on the attack roll.

Halfling Riding Dog

Halflings often travel with dogs as companions on the road and this Bachelor is no different. His companion is a strong Halfling Riding Dog, perfect for carrying his extra supplies and protecting him in case of trouble. The stats for his attacks and tricks are above but extra pertinent stats are below

AC: 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+1 armor, +2 Dex. +1 natural)
Hp: 13 (1d8+2d4)
Fort: 1d4+3; Ref:1d4+3; Will: +1 +4 Will vs. enchantments or illusions to betray master
Gear: reinforced tunic barding, Dog Pack Saddle, artisan's tools mwk, leather collar, leather leash, dog food (7 days), iron pot, torches (8), Whet Bone, dandy brush, small tent
Carrying Capacity:
Light: 99 lbs., Medium: 199.5 lbs., Heavy: 300 lbs. Current: 81.5 lbs.

Carrying Capacity
Light: 28.5 lbs., Medium: 57 lbs., Heavy: 86.25 lbs. Current: 13.5 lbs. 

And now we reach the final permutation of this blank, one that took way too long, involved a lot of stupid editing on my part, and was nearly all lost in an edit when blooger cut the whole page after I hit the undo key. So here we go, 

This halfling has reached the peak for most of her people, she's married and her husband has moved onto her family plot, she likely has a few children, who are growing by the second, and her skills are needed back at home. She doesn't travel as much anymore, but that's okay, she's seen a ton of her little world, and with all the skills and training she's picked up along the way she is much better at taking care of her families crops than she ever was before, and with her skills at blacksmithing (or whatever yours happens to be good at) she trains nearly half a dozen other young tenderfoots in her skills so they might head out at use them within the community. When not training young ones or working on increasing the yields of her family crop, she probably spends time with the kids and works on her own projects. She's a bit of a prodigy when it comes to her craft, so she has a lot of ideas for new inventions and improvements around the farm, and sometimes even some special orders from human or bahgra friends who travel all the way to see her and commission her work. 

Though she's still not the best combatant, her skill with the sling has only improved. She's had one made of the finest leathers, and learned how to use it as a whip as well as a sling. Now she can throttle bandits who get too close or chastise her students when they get too rowdy and nearly light everyone on fire. She's also upgraded her armor to a chain lined leather duster and a darkwood buckler. The coat isn't as good at mitigating the heat, but all she has to do is tie it around her waist and shuffle it on if needed alongside her new light shield. She doesn't wear the tunic as much anymore since, by now, her name has spread quite far and anyone who needs her skills knows to look for the barn with her old symbol on it. 


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