Designing from the Style Sheet pt. 2: Ranged Variant & Others

After finishing the last post I realized I had a TON of ideas inspired by that style sheet for the Frontiersmen and decided to push out a few more of these based on various other stereotypical character archs for the Frontiersmen culture. So, without further adeu enjoy this ranged variant of the Homesteader and maybe a Halfling Homestead Slinger.

Homesteader Greenhorn (Ranged)CR 1/3
XP 135
Human commoner 1
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1d4; Senses Perception +3
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 4 (1d6+1)
Fort +1, Ref +1d4, Will -1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee kitchen knife +1d4-1 (1d3/19-20)
Ranged slurbow +1d4 (1d10/19-20; 120ft.) or kitchen knife +1d4-1 (1d3/19-20; 10 ft.)
Combat Abilities Point-Blank Shot (+1 ranged atk & dmg within 30 ft.)
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Skill Focus (farmer)
Skills Handle Animal +3, Perception +3, Profession (farmer) +6
Languages Common
Gear leather coatACS, helmet & greavesAvV:A&Apotion of cure light wounds, backpack mwk, Ranger's Kit,  2 silver rings (10 gp each), 6 gp, 8 sp

Point-Blank Shot

The Greenhorn has a knack for hitting his mark at close range compared to his friends. He doesn't want to have his targets get that close, but it's good to know if a wolf or bandit manages to get that close he could likely put the bolt between his eyes.

Benefits: The Homesteader gains a +1 on ranged atk and dmg rolls with attacks within 30 ft..

Far Shot

The Greenhorn's real pride though is her ability to hit targets from afar. She can hit a mark from a distance well beyond her friends, something very useful to handle those wolves from waay over here...

Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot

Benefits: The Greenhorn takes a -1 to atk per range increment.  

Carrying Capacity
Light: 43 lbs., Medium: 86 lbs., Heavy: 130 lbs. Current: 37 lbs. 

Alright, basic model all over again. This Greenhorn is not as strong as the previous model, and instead is more lithe with a steady hand. Now "lithe" might be a bit of a stretch compared to your regular adventurer, but she's got the skill with a crossbow and not the strength of her neighbor down the street, so she works with what she's got. So, she starts with training with the heavy crossbow, and has cobbled together a Slurbow, the classic ranged weapon of the Frontiersmen, for herself, and has learned how to use it. This combined with Point-Blank Shot and Far Shot, give her a solid way to handle most problems on her land that might arise and require violence, while limiting her chance of being harmed. Add to that a bit of armor in case someone does manage to attack back and she's pretty set to take pot shots at hungry coyotes from a nearby hill when they come snooping around her sheep corral, or at bandits looking to steal her corn crops from the comfort of her bedroom window. 
As a Greenhorn, violent conflict is still likely very new for her, and she is likely aided by other family members should trouble arise. So, she could run with a few of her siblings acting as melee with longspears or applying ranged pressure with her, or her dad who's got more experience, or if she's really luck her clan patriarch might be on sight, and use the family longsword and his darkwood shield against those Orc raiders. 

Homesteader (Ranged)CR 1
XP 135
Human commoner 3
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1d4; Senses Perception +4
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+2 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 13 (3d6+3)
Fort +2, Ref +1d4+1, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee kitchen knife +1d4 (1d3/19-20)
Ranged mwk slurbow +1d4+2 (1d10/19-20; 120ft.), shard gel +1d4+1 (1d4; 10 ft.)  or kitchen knife +1d4-1 (1d3/19-20; 10 ft.)
Combat Abilities Point-Blank Shot (+1 ranged atk & dmg within 30 ft.), Far Shot (-1 atk per range increment)
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Skill Focus (farmer), Far Shot
Skills Climb +4, Craft (alchemy) +4, Handle Animal +3, Perception +4, Profession (farmer) +7, Swim +4
Languages Common
Gear leather coatACS, helmet & greavesAvV:A&A, mwk archer's buckler, potion of cure light wounds, backpack mwk, body pavise, Ranger's Kit,  1 silver rings w/grade 1 gem (abt 30 gp each), 8 sp

Point-Blank Shot

The Greenhorn has a knack for hitting his mark at close range compared to his friends. He doesn't want to have his targets get that close, but it's good to know if a wolf or bandit manages to get that close he could likely put the bolt between his eyes.

Benefits: The Homesteader gains a +1 on ranged atk and dmg rolls with attacks within 30 ft..

Far Shot

The Greenhorn's real pride though is her ability to hit targets from afar. She can hit a mark from a distance well beyond her friends, something very useful to handle those wolves from waay over here...

Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot

Benefits: The Greenhorn takes a -1 to atk per range increment.  

Shard Gel

The Homesteader has managed to get her hands on pot of shard gel, an alchemical grenade perfect for defense. Rules are below.

This vivid green gel instantly crystallizes into needle-like shards upon contact with the air. You can throw a flask of shard gel as a splash weapon. A direct hit deals 1d4 points of piercing damage as the shards penetrate the target’s flesh. The target’s square and each square adjacent to it are covered in shards that function like caltrops. The caltrops last for 5 rounds before dissolving into harmless green sludge. Any effect that deals sonic damage to an area (such as sound burst or shout) immediately destroys all gel shards in that area. 

Carrying Capacity

Light: 43 lbs., Medium: 86 lbs., Heavy: 130 lbs. Current: 43 lbs. 

So our Homesteader has grown a bit and she's gotten some improvements. She's gotten her slurbow replaced and improved with better weights and sights, she's gotten herself a nice buckler to help bolster her defense, and thanks to some tinkering in the barn she's picked up a bit of alchemy, and made a new package of shard gel, an alchemical grenade that's good at area control. This gives her a leg up if trouble gets too close since she not only damages her target but creates a layer of defense between her and whatever bandit is trying to slide through her front door. 
She's also gotten better at shooting, her long range now helping her stay out of trouble on the nearby hill when coyotes or wolves come snooping around her sheep, or to peg those bandits when they come over the hill on their horses. She's also bought a pavise, a large shield that can be placed in the dirt to provide protection. It's heavy and she's slowed if she drags it out, but the shield can help her make a fighting defense if trouble arises and she needs a wall, or the faiths forbid, she's called up to service. 

Homesteader Matriarch (Ranged)CR 1
XP 135
Human commoner 5
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1d4; Senses Perception +6
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 22 (5d6+5)
Fort +2, Ref +1d4+1, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk rapier +1d4-1 (1d6/18/-20) or kitchen knife +1d4+1 (1d3/19-20)
Ranged darkwood slurbow +1d4+3 (1d10/19-20; 120ft.), dung grenade +1d4+2 (1d6 fire plus sickened DC 15 Ref; 10 ft.), shard gel +1d4+2 (1d4; 10 ft.), insecticide +1d4+2 (10 ft radius, Fort DC 10 Str/3 rounds; 20ft), alchemist's fire +1d4+2 (1d6 fire),  or kitchen knife +1d4+1 (1d3/19-20; 10 ft.)
Combat Abilities Point-Blank Shot (+1 ranged atk & dmg within 30 ft.), Far Shot (-1 atk per range increment), Deadly Aim (-1 atk +2 dmg)
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds, oil of magic weapon, antitoxin, insecticide x5, starving nettle x5 (DC 15 Fort, Dex/8 Days)
Str 11, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Point-Blank Shot, Skill Focus (farmer), Far Shot, Deadly Aim
Skills Climb +4, Craft (alchemy) +9, Handle Animal +3, Perception +6, Profession (farmer) +10, Ride 1d4+4, Swim +4
Languages Common
Gear mwk armored jacketACS, helmet & greavesAvV:A&Adarkwood archer's buckler, potion of cure light wounds, backpack mwk, body pavise, Alchemist's Lab, Ranger's Kit,  1 silver ring w/grade 1 gem (abt 30 gp), signet ring w/grade 2 gem (abt 100 gp), 2 gp, 13 sp

Point-Blank Shot

The Matriarch has a knack for hitting his mark at close range compared to his friends. He doesn't want to have his targets get that close, but it's good to know if a wolf or bandit manages to get that close he could likely put the bolt between his eyes.

Benefits: The Matriarch gains a +1 on ranged atk and dmg rolls with attacks within 30 ft..

Far Shot

The Matriarch's real pride though is her ability to hit targets from afar. She can hit a mark from a distance well beyond her friends, something very useful to handle those wolves from waay over here...

Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot

Benefits: The Matriarch takes a -1 to atk per range increment.  

Deadly Aim

The Matriarch has gotten a true aim, and when she focuses her shots, they are deadly.

Prerequisites: BAB +1

Benefits: The Matriarch takes a -1 to atk for ranged attack for a +2 to dmg.  

Shard Gel

The Homesteader has managed to get her hands on pot of shard gel, an alchemical grenade perfect for defense. Rules are below.

This vivid green gel instantly crystallizes into needle-like shards upon contact with the air. You can throw a flask of shard gel as a splash weapon. A direct hit deals 1d4 points of piercing damage as the shards penetrate the target’s flesh. The target’s square and each square adjacent to it are covered in shards that function like caltrops. The caltrops last for 5 rounds before dissolving into harmless green sludge. Any effect that deals sonic damage to an area (such as sound burst or shout) immediately destroys all gel shards in that area. 

Carrying Capacity

Light: 43 lbs., Medium: 86 lbs., Heavy: 130 lbs. Current: 42.5 lbs. 

Now we have reached the penultimate version of the ranged Homesteader, The Matriarch. After years of tinkering with alchemy in her spare time, it has become more than a hobby and a lucrative side business, with her ability to sell tinctures, remedies, and treatments to protect crops. She also has learned to make some defensive items to defend her farm & family in case of emergencies. That means insecticides to kill vermin on her land and a few noxious dung bombs to send bandits and ankhegs running when they are covered in burning poo. She's also gotten pretty darn good at the slurbow, and now when she aims down the sights her Deadly Aim can cause major damage, especially considering her skill at distance. So now you have a Matriarch with not only more damage output, but more area control as well, since you have alchemical weapons that give her area control like shard gel and status changing effects like dung grenades, alchemist's fire, and her bevvy of poisons & insecticides. 
With her age she's also gained a lot of coin and contacts, and used it to get some truly impressive items. She's replaced the stock of her slurbow with darkwood, making it even lighter than before, and gotten a darkwood buckler that's so light she barely has to worry about it. She's bought herself a rapier, both for personal defense and to show her station just like the Patriarch build I did before. But her major steal is an armored jacket. An ancient suit of armor made with technology & techniques lost to time, this old high member of her tribe has managed to procure this rare and valuable piece of gear at a steal, and wears it with pride whenever possible. 


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