World Design Challenge: The Cavalier Orders of Oki, The Order of Beasts

So, since we are all quarantined and I have recently left my job, I now find myself with a lot of free time and some creative projects to work on. So, I'm going to try some new ideas and see what I like, and what sticks with my audience, what of you may exist. So lets get at it!

For those of you who do not know, I run a weekly Pathfinder game with friends in a homebrew setting. We have been running for about a decade now, and the current narrative has been happening for about... 5 years?

This link should take you directly to our wiki if you are interested in learning more about our current campaign.

So the challenge. For the longest time one of my favorite classes in Pathfinder's 1st edition has been the Cavalier, and one of my favorite things about the Cavalier has been the Orders. These various Order Options draw on the idea of the fraternal orders of knights of old or other political factions with militant orders from histories past, and the potential for their meddling and interactions within the worlds that a GM allows them to exist in are extensive and rife with content to weave imaginative stories with. Unfortunately, though the Orders are often very interesting mechanically, and the flavor they are given within the setting neutral books and splat books (think, small paperbacks for the uninitiated) is good, having those Orders incorporated into the world of Golarion, the primary setting of Paizo's pathfinder, beyond just being part of a Cavalier's stat block. And that is unfortunate. So, in an interest of adding that narrative weight BACK into the actual story rather than just having Orders remain relegated to the sidelines as pseudo "philosophies" but without actual followers to proselytize them, defend them, and sometimes conquer kingdoms with them, we're going to take a selection and make them real things, and make them matter.

Sources: All Orders used there are from either Paizo products and can be viewed here on Archives of Nethys or from Flaming Crabs Cavalier Orders which you should see over ->.

Now, without further adeu, lets get on with it.

Order of the Beast: An order devoted to the protection of nature and animals in particular, this weird order is supposed to read as druidic light/martial I think but instead comes off as a militant order of vegans. Their edicts state that,

"An order of the of the beast cavalier must strive to protect nature—including animals and magical beasts— from the encroachment of civilization and from those that seek to harm it. He can slay enraged animals and magical beasts only when attempts to calm or pacify them fail."

I mean, they are literally not supposed to kill animals unless their is no other choice, and though Cavaliers aren't held to the same extreme restrictions as Clerics, Druids, or Paladins, it's still pretty clear that these guys are supposed to hold pretty firmly to their ideals for this order to work and not just make the Edicts feel like lip service.

So what do we do? Here's my idea:

Order of the Beast:

Primary Factions: Imperial, Frontiersmen, Sphinx

Heraldry: Four Headed Wolf, One White, One Black, One Red, One Grey

Motto: "We are All part of the Pack"

A small and insular faction of the Laurentian Frontier, The Order of The Beast arose from peasant and plebeian stock during the ages of limited imperial governance. Left to fend for themselves in the world of Dragons and Iron Spirits, not to mention the regular beasts of the world, many peasants gathered together to form coalitions, posses to defend what little territory they managed to hold onto. Among these "posse orders" that would eventually become some of the orders of today, was the Order of Beasts. Founded by farmer and ex-druid, Abraham Suetonius, the Order of Beasts shared secrets of animal affinity among one another, using contacts within druidic circles and hunters lodges to create an order that would defend humankind from beasts by asking them to leave. These knights would arrive on retrained work horses, hogs, and mules, wearing armor cobbled together from what equipment they could spare, and becalm beasts with words and "strange dances" that would lead them away, only drawing a weapon should the animal be impossible to console. When asked how, many members of the order attribute it their powers to "The Beast Speech", a secret rite taught to them at the culmination of their initiation. They say that this allows them to speak with animals, even dragons and convince many to disperse. By their reckoning, most beasts can be convinced to leave, if the right ceremonies and rites are performed. This has often lead to friction with farmers who would prefer to see troublesome beasts removed permanently than risk an angry beast's return, but with the very low rates members of this order often offer, few turn down their aid, and the fact that they do not partake in any meat collected from what animals they do have to kill often delights those they come to defend.

Members of the Order of Beasts are often supplement their martial and military knowledge with studies of survivalcraft, herb lore, and primal magic. Some even go far enough to become practitioners of primal magic in their own right, and more than a few members of the order are also members of druidic circles and hunting lodges.

Rites and Rituals: 

1.) Beast Speech: Their most famous rite, this secret teaching is given to every member of the order who has been officially inducted into their class. Following often years of training, young acolytes are lead off into the wilderness by their peers. Here, they are taken to "commune with nature and the beasts" in a ritual that many guess to be anything from ancient druidic practices to unseemly romantic trysts with wild beasts. What actually occurs is unknown, but farmers and herdsmen tend to stay far away from the sacred lands they use for these rituals at this time.

2.) The "Meat Tax": One of the strangest customs of the order, many if not all known members of the Order of Beasts abstain almost completely from meat, consuming a purely vegetarian diet. Though not odd on its own, few Imperial or Frontiersmen of lower or even middle class can regularly consume meat, but members of the order actively abstain from even the smallest of portions in all but the most narrow of circumstances. Some members will consume meat of certain creatures, often vermin, fish, or other "mindless" creatures or those of animals they were forced to slay, but this is often the minority. When asked why, many devotees of the order say that their skills have, "Forged a connection with the beasts." making them close like neighbors or even family. As such, it often unnerves them in the same way cannibalism does to their friends outside.

3.) Lycanus' Will: A powerful ability only known by high ranking members of the order, this sacred rite allows members of the order to transmogrify their mount, allowing them to become a powerful beast capable of fending off great foes. Through a bond of man and beast, a lowly farmer can transform his trusty work horse into a great dragon and send it charging towards a horde of bandits attacking a lonely farm or to stop a bear charging a child. This skill is one of their most dangerous, and one that few are willing to contend with should they encounter even common members of their order.

4.) Brothers in Arms: Formed from the Posse Knights of the early centuries of exploration, the Order of Beasts has never forgotten their origins as humble peasants and many remain as such, living as farmers and herders by day and taking up their weapons when the needs arise and their term to travel comes due. As such, many are often of humble means and weapons and armor are treasured things passed from one knight to the next. One of the greatest honors though often involves the connection between a Beast Knight and his mount. When the latter dies, because of old age or tragedy, many Cavaliers often have them commemorated in gear. These knights have their mount laid to rest, harvesting their bodies for supplies to then be transformed into gear so they might continue to protect their friends even after death. Many of the oldest members often have armor, shields, and bone amulets made from fallen mounts and acolytes and outsiders alike say that these things protect their wearer till the bitter end. As such, there are few things in this world that tend to draw the ire of a Knight of Beasts faster than the destruction or theft of one of these prized relics, as it is often seen as severing their connection to their fallen friend once more. Many a member have chased thieves and vandals across the frontier looking for revenge and justice against those who would ransack and destroy these special idols to their lost allies and brothers in protecting this land, and many common folk agree. It is considered one of the highest honors for a member of the Brotherhood to gift one of these trinkets to another, and many are often buried with their wearer in death.

Equipment: Having arisen from common stock and not being an order known for collecting great fees, members often wear simple gear created from friends and family and fitting their station. Wooden and Cloth armor are common, and shield often help shore up any protection they may lack. Iron is used when it can be afforded, but is often a rare addition to the many humbly paid members of the order. Bone, Horn, and particularly Leather or Hide are rare occurrences, as harvesting these from the living is often seen as abhorrent, some describing it as, "Like killing a neighbor to wear them as pants".  Now, while some very devout followers of the Suetonius' completely abstain from the use of bone, horn, and hide, many are willing to make exception for materials harvested in ways aligned with their order. This often means scavenged from fallen beasts who died from natural causes, or donated by thankful clients from animals harvested in line with their tenants. Others will sometimes make exceptions for materials harvested from vermin such as the giant scorpions endemic to the deserts in the north, but access to such creatures is often rare.

As for weapons, they follow similar structure with simple farming tools often used rather than more exotic and refined military weapons. Their trademark weapons though are often a combination of nets, man-catchers, polearms, and saps. Most of these are used as ways to nonviolently incapacitate the beasts they are often called to dispatch, while the polearms are used in case nonviolence fails and to avoid putting themselves in reach of creatures like bears or lions where they can be torn to pieces. This also helps them on the rare occasions they are called to take on human enemies such as poachers or those who threaten their druidic allies, and their light armor and nonviolent weaponry often make it easy for them to collect bounties on humans that require a living person see trial.


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