
Showing posts from March, 2018

Races: What they are, what they mean.

So, races. To start I'll clear up some things. For those of you totally new to Pathfinder and tabletops in general, the use of races in this context is something closer to species. It does not mean races as we tend to use them in real life and when the game does talk about other races within the game they tend to use the word ethnicity or ethnicities. I personally prefer just to call them ethnicities, species, or people to avoid the muddy complications that come about when we use the word race and to avoid the inaccuracies that it causes, but, for the interest of this walkthrough, when they talk about "races" in Pathfinder, this is what they mean. So, in Pathfinder, races are the various species or people that a player can select for their character to be. There are 7 in the Core Rulebook and dozens more throughout various bestiaries and other expansions Paizo has produced. For now, and in this post I'm going to be talking about the 7 that come with the CRB (Core ...

Ability Scores: A Description

As stated previously, Ability Scores are broken down into 6 categories that represent the various physical and mental powers of your character and every other creature throughout the game. Now, I know some people can get confused by these so I feel like it's best to go over each one to get everyone up to speed and working from the same definition of each of these going forward. I cannot tell you the number of times I have seen problems at table come about because 2 people have differing definitions of what Ability X is supposed to cover. So, without further adieu, lets get into it. Physical vs. Mental:  Each character has 6 Abilities that can be broken down into 2 groups Physical and Mental. Physical Abilities or Stats, are abilities that are meant to represent your character's physical abilities such as how strong or nimble they are or how hardy they are and ease with which they can shake of diseases. If your character has superhuman strength or get's crippled and is lef...

Getting Started: Ability Scores & Modifiers

The basics of the whole game, ability scores are the stats that govern every character and thing your characters are likely to do going forward with few exceptions. If you want to attack a monster with your sword, your Strength (Str) ability score is factored. Your Bard trying to remember what the hell a Lich is? That knowledge check uses Intelligence (Int) to figure it out. Your Rogue trying to barrel roll out of a massive explosion? That's a Reflex save (Ref) which uses your Dexterity (Dex). In short, every skill check, attack roll, and save you will make is effected by these numbers, and therefore it behooves me, to try and walk you through these stats as quickly and (hopefully) painlessly as possible. So, without further adieu, lets get to it. WTF is an Ability, and how do you Score it? An ability is one of the 6 basic stats that effect in one way or another, every part of your character sheet. These Abilities are... Strength (Str) Dexterity (Dex) Constitution (Con) I...


So for those stumbling in here for the first time or sent here via a link, I'm Tyler and this is my blog for teaching my players the Pathfinder gaming system and my houserules modifying it, and the rules to everyone else who might be interested. I'll probably be modifying this piece as I codify the greater visual key to show off what posts are what but for now, I hope you enjoy the content and that I hear from everyone who is interested.