Rethinking Elves pt 1: Why I'm not a Fan, and yet I keep working on them.
I don't like elves. There, I said it. I'm not a fan of their long ass lives and how it makes world histories really weird when you have to contend with a work where your PC's dad might have met Christ, your PC might have been around for the civil war, and I the GM might have to figure out how much they know compared to the humans; I don't like how they are generally written as supposedly mostly CG, one of the most ill defined and most prone to misunderstanding and stupidity of all the Good alignments in gaming, I don't like how they all tend to be said to be long view goodies but who are somehow also petulant feudalist who tend to have kings and courts and somehow seem just as short sighted as the humans, and in hate how all of them tend to be some form of idealized white beauty in art while being called, "otherworldly beautiful". It's all bad, and it's all so painfully redundant . And yet, I can't get away from the fuckers. Players want to ru...