Pathfinder Epilogue, The Best of the 3rd Party pt. 1: The Weird, Niche, and Wonderful
So, with Pathfinder 1st edition coming to a close I think it's time to take a look back on some of the best stuff to come out of the 3rd party stable over the last 10 years. The list of books that has come out in the last few years alone has been truly staggering and as Paizo lays 1st ed to rest and players and GMs look to snap up 3rd party content to fill the void I've compiled this... "small" list of content to help out. So whether you are a GM looking to fill that aforementioned void of new content for your old system or a group looking to add some great weird or unseen content to your game while you wait for 2nd ed to catch your fancy or whatever check this out. And if you're one of those people who gets overwhelmed just looking at the SEA OF STUFF that is the DrivethruRPG shopping list, don't worry, this is to help you guys too. This first set is a lot of great content I think of that I love but might not get noticed amid the sea of heavier hitters I ...