Building Blanks pt. 3: Conversion

Ability Scores and Design Intent So we've got our concept and we've got a template to work from, so lets construct. To start, lets work on the stats. As I talked about before in the ability scores post, ability scores are the core from which all characters concepts spring from on a mechanical level. Build these stats in the proper priority and the character will sing on the field, build it without thinking about what stats you need and you'll be struggling the whole game trying to make it work. From our base, we have a stat line that looks something like this, Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8 Good Dex & Con, okay Str and bad Cha. This is the basic prebuilt, "elite" array for ranged NPCs from the core rulebook. Now, for a ranged based character like the bow wielding hussar we started with it's great, but for this cow riding lancer whose meant to charge into melee these stats aren't really that helpful. The high Dex is fine for good A...